General Dentistry in Gloucester


We’re here to look after your and your family’s general oral health.

Book a consultation

what is general dentistry?

It is important to make sure your look after your natural teeth as long as possible so routine dental check ups and visits to the hygienist are the best way maintain good oral hygiene.

A lot of people tend to come and see us if they have a problem or if they want to change their smile. It is extremely important that you visit us on a regular basis though to ensure that we are able to assess and provide you with the appropriate advice to maintain your smile.

As part of your examination we will take x-rays where appropriate to understand the health of your teeth and gums. These check-ups don’t take long and as long as you stick to visiting us and our hygienists on a regular basis it will ensure that we can prevent as many problems as possible. If a problem does occur then the regular visits will allow us to pick them up before it results a potential extraction!

If its been a while or if you are nervous to see us, don’t worry we will take the very best care of you and help you before you need to see us for all the wrong reasons!

before & after: seeing is believing

frequently asked questions

Between us we work some late evenings and the occasional Saturday so we can certainly try and find options that fit around your work schedule.

The hygienist will give your teeth a good clean and remove any plaque – which is one of the key initiators of wider problems. The clean also removes stains so leaves your smile a little brighter.

We’ll put you at ease so don’t worry and book in to see us. If you end up in pain you’ll inevitably need to come and see us so best to see us whilst we have a chance to prevent problems.

This is something we have to determine on an individual basis. The average time in between check ups is six months but this can vary between three and twelve months.


